Are you ready to add some sparkle to your aura? ✨

Get Ready for a Brilliantly Colorful 8 Session Adventure with




Are you ready to add some sparkle to your aura? ✨

Get Ready for a Brilliantly Colorful 8 Session Adventure with



Live a life aligned with your true purpose and values.

Have You Been Feeling. . .

  • Consistently drained, struggling to maintain focus?

  • Disconnected from your own intuition or spiritual path and finding joy or satisfaction?

  • Your professional life is unfulfilling or misaligned with your personal values?

  • Stuck or stagnant, craving change but uncertain how to achieve it?

These signals indicate a potential imbalance in your life's energy flow

Stop the cycle.

Stop Putting off YOUR Life!

Step into Your Amazing

Vibrant Balanced Life!

🎉Discover how to Glow-Up Your Aura

🌈Learn how to infuse your life with the vibrant energy of color

🙌Understand what an Energy Calendar is and create Your own!

🥰Design YOUR dream days in alignment with your values.

💖 Gain the skills to see, interpret, and harness the energy of your aura like never before

. . .and so much more!!

Step into Your Amazing

Vibrant Balanced Life!

🎉Discover how to Glow-Up Your Aura

🌈Learn how to infuse your life with the vibrant energy of color

🙌Understand what an Energy Calendar is and create Your own!

🥰Design YOUR dream days in alignment with your values.

💖 Gain the skills to see, interpret, and harness the energy of your aura like never before

. . .and so much more!!

Join world renowned Psychic Intuitive, Cosmic Coach and Author, DOUGALL FRASER and you will shift your life from mundane to meaningful.

  • Start living a life aligned with your purpose and values

  • Transform stress and anxiety into serenity

  • Finally feel satisfied by life and move through your day feeling fulfilled.

The Energy Architect Program, led by renowned aura intuitive Dougall Fraser offers you a profound journey towards restoring balance, enhancing self-awareness, and cultivating a vibrant, harmonious life. 

During your adventure

with Dougall as your guide you will

Explore the Power of Aura Intuition: Dive deep into the mystical world of auras and gain insights into your unique energy blueprint. Dougall's expertise in seeing auras will reveal hidden facets of your personality, desires, and untapped potential.

Learn how to Design Your Dream Day: Design your dream day where every moment is infused with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. It's waking up with a heart full of gratitude, pursuing activities that ignite your passion, and connecting deeply with yourself and others.

Discover the Secret behind Creating Daily Balance for Lasting Fulfillment: Learn to design your days with purpose and intention. Discover the major life categories that shape your reality, each associated with a specific aura color. Align your energy and activities to create daily balance that fuels your dreams.

Nurture Your Body for Ultimate Self-Care: Be consistent with your physical health goals that often get splatted too quickly. Embrace holistic well-being by nurturing your physical health and personal growth. 

Radiate Joy and Creativity: Rediscover the joy of living with enthusiasm and adventure. Infuse your life with fun and happiness, enhancing your energy and your ability to manifest your dreams.

Dougall Fraser's mastery of color and auras is extraordinary.

His insights can unlock hidden truths and guide individuals toward transformation. He has a profound impact on anyone who encounters his work. His warmth, wisdom, and authenticity make him a true gem. His work is not just about seeing the world differently; it's about seeing yourself more clearly and embracing the full spectrum of your potential. Dougall is a beacon of light in the world and his impact is truly magical!

~ Denise Linn, Internationally Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Best-Selling Author of over 28 books

✨What wonders would unfold if you invited more

balance and enchantment into your life?

Dear Friend,

As we embark on another chapter of our collective journey, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to connect with each of you in this sacred space. It is through our shared experiences and heartfelt connections that we find strength, inspiration, and love.

I am beyond excited to extend a warm invitation to join me for an unforgettable journey in my upcoming 6-week online class. Together, we will delve into the depths of your soul, uncovering hidden truths and awakening dormant passions. We will cultivate a sense of purpose, passion, and joy that illuminates your path forward.

Throughout our time together, I will be your steadfast companion and guide, offering insight, support, and encouragement as you navigate the twists and turns of your personal journey. Together, we will create a roadmap to joy, fulfillment, and abundance.

I invite you to take this leap of faith and join me on this magical adventure. Your presence would be a gift beyond measure, and I am honored to walk this path alongside you.

With Love,



Here's What You Will Discover


You will gain a clear vision of the Energy Architect framework.

Understand the major life categories and their corresponding aura colors.

Discover the significance of being an Energy Architect in your own life, emphasizing daily balance.

Get a clear vision of what a balanced day could look like when using the Energy Architect framework.


Explore the significance of healthy relationships and infusing life with joy. 

Discover strategies for enhancing connections with loved ones and cultivating a joyful life whether it’s love, friendships or business relationships.

Learn how to bring more adventure and joy into your relationships?


You will dive into personal growth and intellectual stimulation.

Explore the importance of continuous personal growth and self-improvement. 

Identify areas where you can expand your skills, knowledge, and personal development, plus develop a plan to align your energy with ongoing personal growth and transformation.


Understand the importance of maintaining physical health and spiritual well-being. 

Explore strategies for being consistent with your physical well-being through exercise, nutrition, and self-care. 

Discuss methods to enhance spiritual well-being, including meditation, mindfulness, and connecting with your inner self.


Summarize the key lessons learned in balancing life categories and the associated colors.

Introduce the importance of daily activities in each life category for ongoing balance.

You’ll receive a printable daily activities checklist which includes suggested activities for each life category


Using his powerful skills as an Intuitive Psychic, Dougall will take time with the group to tune into the energy and answer any important life questions you might have about the course.


  • 8 LIVE SESSIONS: Thursdays at 5:00 PM PT as follows:

    April 11, 18, 25

    May 2, 9 & 23

    June 6, 13

  • Classes will be held live on Zoom, plus classes will be recorded and available for 90 days after the event






To guide and nurture you on your spiritual path

Your Year in Color

An empowering BONUS COURSE designed to elevate every facet of your life! Delve into 12 transformative sessions, each centered around a specific color, illuminating its profound impact on your life and guiding you to harness its power to shift your perspective. Dive into a treasure trove of wisdom, featuring captivating guest speakers, soul-nourishing affirmations, transformative exercises, and an abundance of inspiration to fuel your path to greatness! You’ll have lifetime access and can take a full year to focus on this course!

Soul Group System

Learn the secrets of spiritually healthy relationships

The Soul Group System is a 90-minute video masterclass designed to help you understand how and why certain people come into our lives.

During this class you will:

- Access healthy, uplifting and nourishing relationships

- Manage challenging yet insightful relationships

- Gain tools to seamlessly navigate the various people in your life and maintain your center

- Recognize your soul circle and expand it

What’s included in your course?

  • 8 Live Online Sessions: Dougall will personally guide you through transformative experiences, unlocking the secrets to living your best life. During each session there will be time for Q&A. There will be 2 guest speakers for two of the sessions!

  • Guided Workbook: Immerse yourself in our carefully crafted Guided Workbook, designed to accompany your journey and deepen your understanding of each session's teachings.

  • Private Facebook Group for Attendees: Join our exclusive Private Facebook Group, where you'll find a community of kindred spirits, sharing insights, experiences, and supporting each other on your path to personal growth and fulfillment.

  • Accountability Group: Experience the power of Accountability Groups, where you'll connect with like-minded individuals, providing mutual encouragement, inspiration, and accountability as you navigate your transformative journey with Dougall.

  • Dates for Classes: Classes will take place LIVE on Zoom on Thursdays, starting on April 11th at 5:00 PM PT

Join Dougall to master energy management, and build a life of true fulfillment using the power of your own aura!  


At the age of 15, Dougall began studying energy work and meditation on Long Island. He has studied Reiki, QiGong, Polarity and for several years was both a student and teacher at the APLE Foundation School of Light. Dougall’s work is the combination of personal study and observation of the energy he has seen around people and clients for over 20 years.

Dougall has maintained a professional practice for more than twenty-five years and is recognized as one of the country’s best psychics. His international clientele ranges from CEOs and celebrities to people just like you who may need extra insight. With his own spiritual belief system, Dougall feels that we all have a blueprint for our lives. His main purpose is to help people assess and attain the life that they dream of. He is also the bestselling author of Your Life in Color.



Dougall is amazing!

I love Dougall Fraser. His wisdom, humility and humor are powerful in creating a safe space for me to love myself just the way I am.


Dougall's workshop was great.

His workshop left me wanting more information about the subject and I loved the meditations. Dougall's comparison to your normal day vs your ideal day was really eye opening.


Dougall's presentation was the most informative. .

and most impactful and I loved his personally!! He really engaged with our group, and I really enjoyed the exercises he led us through. It wasn't just about telling us about his ability and background but expanding beyond that and leaving us with things we could practice and new information we got to on our own - that was really special.


Dougall Fraser was excellent!

Dougall really inspired me. . .he’s so humble and made me feel safe. I resonated with him when he talked about your typical day vs your ideal day. That gave me something to think about!


8 LIVE SESSIONS! Thursdays at

5:00 PM PT as follows:

April 11, 18, 25

May 2, 9 & 23

June 6, 13

Classes will be held live on Zoom, plus classes will be recorded and available for 90 days after the event





To guide and nurture you on your spiritual path

Your Year in Color

An empowering BONUS COURSE designed to elevate every facet of your life! Delve into 12 transformative sessions, each centered around a specific color, illuminating its profound impact on your life and guiding you to harness its power to shift your perspective. Dive into a treasure trove of wisdom, featuring captivating guest speakers, soul-nourishing affirmations, transformative exercises, and an abundance of inspiration to fuel your path to greatness! You’ll have lifetime access and can take a full year to focus on this course!

Soul Group System

Learn the secrets of spiritually healthy relationships

The Soul Group System is a 90-minute video masterclass designed to help you understand how and why certain people come into our lives.

During this class you will:

- Access healthy, uplifting and nourishing relationships

- Manage challenging yet insightful relationships

- Gain tools to seamlessly navigate the various people in your life and maintain your center

- Recognize your soul circle and expand it

Seize the opportunity to transform your world -

Enroll now and let the magic begin!